How Brand Love Brews Loyalty and Success

Brand designer Laura Duncan sitting on a table with paper printouts showing colour swatches and images that compliment each other in style

The Essence of Brand Love: Sipping Beyond the Surface



  • THE METHOD – How intoxicating brands come together
  • THE SHAKE UP – A blend of boldness and authenticity
  • THE INGREDIENTS – Brand love and why it matters
  • THE RECIPE – Your brand’s blend

Research shows the ‘connections’ we make with brands can be as deep and emotional as our relationships with people. A kind of intoxicating elixir that draws us closer. 

Think about it, is there a brand you LOVE that makes your heart flutter?


How intoxicating brands come together

Mine is Apple. You can find that little status symbol all through my house and handbag 😉. Apple connects me with clients, friends, family, inspires me with innovation and, of course, helps me create powerful visual designs for you!

Falling for a brand goes deeper than mere admiration; it’s a mix of passion and loyalty. 

Much like a cocktail-fuelled night on the town, with Apple, I’ve been through all the emotions. Love, hate, frustration and forgiveness. But – I always return to love. Why? I can always forgive them when they remove a feature, or change a design. Because they will release something new, and I know I’ll love it all over again! This bond weathers every update and upheaval, proving true brand love is for the long haul. Cheers to that!


A blend of boldness and authenticity

What I’m about to state is nothing new. The online market is drenched, making competition with brands fierce. 

Ask yourself, what brand would you pick out of two that offer near-identical services? 

Here’s hoping you’d select the brand which looks professional, bold, consistent, fresh and makes an effort to connect with you in a meaningful way. 

To become that top-shelf brand, though, it’s a mix of art and science. To blend authenticity with boldness. To create a brand experience that’s as enticing as your favourite tipple.


Brand love and why it matters

Brand Love isn’t just garnish; it’s the essence of enduring success. It’s the secret ingredient in the recipe for loyalty, glowing testimonials, and an expanding customer base. 

Brand Love translates to huge benefits, especially LOYALTY! 

Loyalty means: 

  • Excellent reviews
  • Repeat purchases
  • Brand sharing
  • Increased audience 
  • And that’s just the *froth* of the espresso martini

In fact, 75% of buying experiences are based on emotion. See? Brand love is a powerful thing, and ALL brands need to build a brand identity around the L word.

Like the perfect cocktail recipe, Brand Love mixes a unique flavour profile that keeps customers returning for their VIP taste of what you offer.


Your brand’s blend

Wondering if your brand resonates deeply enough? Does it invite Brand Love? And sit pretty on the top shelf of your industry?

Consider your brand a craft cocktail, needing a twist or squeeze of something fresh. 

Here are signs it’s time to revisit the recipe:

The taste: Your brand’s current recipe feels freakishly familiar in flavour to others in your industry. Is your brand being diluted by the noise?
The base: do you feel your brand’s a Brandy Daisy (that’s brandy, yellow chartreuse and lemon juice) in a world of old fashions? For a recogniseable, timeless brand, a strong base is essential for growth.
The Mix: Just as a skilled bartender knows how to craft the perfect drink, you crave someone to extract, concoct and distill your intoxicating visual identity. One that’s uniquely on brand and has your audience thirsty for more… of you.

Last Call: Measuring Your Brand Love's Strength

YOUR BRAND: it could be a serving of strategic yet beautiful. Or perhaps it’s giving ‘watered down drink’ with a vision that’s fallen flat.

As we hit the bottom of the glass, ponder this: Is your brand the talk of the town or just another name on the menu? If you’re lacking that special zest,  it’s likely time for a brand refresh. Aim for a brand identity that leaves a lasting impression and is cherished and advocated for by your audience.

Cheers to a New Beginning!

Ready to shake things up and concoct a brand that’s irresistible? A brand that not only attracts but turns customers into loyal fans?

Let’s infuse your brand with the love it truly deserves, crafting a signature mix that’s as unforgettable as it is beloved.


I’m Laura, a brand designer stirring science with style to create purposeful and memorable brands and websites that BOOM - shake the room .

A brand without a formula is like a pretty potion without the actual powers.

Explore this mixology lesson: The art and science of brands beyond logos

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